Evolution of the social meaning of menopause in Cuban society during decade 2014-2023
Menopause, climacteric, gender, women's health, middle ageAbstract
Introduction: The meaning of menopause in history has depended on the characteristics of society. In the second half of the 20th century, social changes occurred with divergent impacts on the lives of climacteric women.
Objective: To analyze the evolution of the social meaning of menopause in the history of Cuban society in the decade 2014-2023.
Meaning of menopause in history: Cuban and foreign works published before our era to the present were reviewed, which allowed the social approach to menopause to be described over time.
Menopause, meaning from the woman's body: The social characteristics of women's menopause in different contexts over time are described from the perception and identification of symptoms and signs.
Women and climacteric in the history of Cuban society. Decade 2014-2023: The Cuban woman is socially characterized in the climacteric stage integrated to the biopsychosocial approach of Cuban medicine, their perceptions at this stage of life, symptoms and signs, with an aside from the period in which Cuba suffered from COVID-19.
Conclusions: The evolution of the social meaning of menopause in Cuban society during the decade 2014-2023 was influenced by socio-economic factors that modified the labor insertion of women from the menopause and influenced the perception and expression of clinical manifestations during the menopause that made it difficult to seek help to improve their health, although there were limitations to their full development.
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