Academic performance in the first year of medical studies after the confinement period due to COVID-19


  • Ela María Céspedes Miranda FCM "Calixto García"
  • Niurelkis Suárez Castillo
  • Evangelina Carrión Pérez
  • Alina Guerrero Ramírez
  • Jannette Espinosa Martínez
  • Yudith Chirolded Cabarroi


Academic performance, basic sciences, students


Introduction: New methodological strategies were implemented as a consequence of the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the continuity of the teaching-learning process, which conditioned possible modifications in academic performance.
Objective: To evaluate the academic results in Basic Sciences in the new first year medical students in the "Calixto García" Faculty of Medical Sciences.
Methods: A descriptive research was carried out based on the grades obtained by new students from pre-university institutes in the Basic Sciences subjects, which were taught during the first school year at the Calixto García Faculty of Medical Sciences belonging to the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, during the 2022 and 2023 periods. Approved, Not Approved, and Drop-outs were defined in each subject. The result of the pre-university ranking of females in both courses was recorded.
Results: In 2023, 43,8 % of students got low marks. In the Molecular Biology subject, 81,8 % of passes in 2022 were higher than the 44,6 % obtained in 2023; in addition, 82,6 % students passed the Cell, Tissues and Integumentary System subject in 2022 vs 53,7 % in 2023. Regarding the Ontogeny and Osteomyoarticular System subject, 80,9 % of students passed in 2022 vs 57,0 % in 2023. In accordance to the published ranking, a greater number of students with less than 80,0 points failed in 2023 as compared to the 2022 academic year.
Conclusions: The lowest academic performance of the students in the first period of the 2023 academic year of the medical studies is dependent on the Basic Sciences and in correspondence with the lower achievement in the study period previous to university access.


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Author Biography

Ela María Céspedes Miranda, FCM "Calixto García"

Departamento de Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas

Jefa de colectivo de año

Colaboradora académica, México


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How to Cite

Céspedes Miranda EM, Suárez Castillo N, Carrión Pérez E, Guerrero Ramírez A, Espinosa Martínez J, Chirolded Cabarroi Y. Academic performance in the first year of medical studies after the confinement period due to COVID-19. Arch Hosp Univ "Gen Calixto García” [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];12(2). Available from:



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