The humanist paradigm in the job teaches specialist in General Medicine as a professor of morphophysiology of the contemporary necessary


  • Emilio Vidal Borras Facultad Ciencias medicas miguel Enriquez. Depertamento <ciencias Basicas y biomedicas


paradigm, humanist, formation, instructors.


The contemporany with the developments  technologies and scientists to need  the pedagogical professional performance human paradigm in the preparation of the specialist in General Integral Medicine, response to the fundaments of Medical Education of Medical Doctor. It should corresponsable with the education of Cuban medicine, the method used in this study was used dialectic materialist The paradigm study and humanist valuation between to be and doing, manifested in the improvement of pedagogical professional performance from, with the implementation to overcome given importance in the teaching process – learning, its will contribution to be and doing daily.

 paradigm, humanist, formation, instructors.


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Author Biography

Emilio Vidal Borras, Facultad Ciencias medicas miguel Enriquez. Depertamento <ciencias Basicas y biomedicas

Especialista de I y II grado en MGI, Msc. Enfermedades Infecciosas y tropìcales. auxiliar.



How to Cite

Vidal Borras E. The humanist paradigm in the job teaches specialist in General Medicine as a professor of morphophysiology of the contemporary necessary. Arch Hosp Univ &quot;Gen Calixto García” [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(1):65-70. Available from:



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