Clinical and pathological correlation on dead patients due to pancreas cancer


  • jose fernandez sotolongo Hospital Calixto Garcia


cancer, pancreas, diagnostic clinical, diagnostic anatomopatology


The pancreas cancer is a problem of frequent health that is not diagnosed always in early stadiums, for what constitutes a discovery in the autopsy.  We carried out a descriptive and retrospective study in 133 deceased with anatomopatology diagnosis of pancreas cancer in the Hospital ¨Hermanos Ameijeiras¨, from January of the 2002 until December of the 2015, with the objective of determining if association existed between the clinical and the anatomopatology diagnosis. We evaluated 133 deceased with anatomopatology diagnosis of pancreas cancer reported in the database of autopsy of the service of Pathological Anatomy of our center and the clinical histories of the deceaseds were revised. The information was picked up in a schedule and it was processed by means of the system SPSS 11.5, where the deceased prevailed in the years 2008 and 2011, the age average was of 66 years, the masculine sex prevailed, with habit of smoking and antecedents of diabetes mellitus and chronic pancreatitis. The most opposing direct causes of death were the shock and the damage multiorgánico. It prevailed like intermediate cause of death the multiple metastases and like basic causes of death the wicked tumor of the pancreas. The diagnoses of more clinical certainty with regard to the diagnostic anatomopatology were the wicked tumor of the pancreas for the basic cause of death and the damage multiorgánico like direct cause of death. The pathological clinical diagnostic coincidence of the causes of basic and direct death prevailed in the studied deceased.


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Author Biography

jose fernandez sotolongo, Hospital Calixto Garcia

Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital Universitario Calixto García. Doctor en Ciencias. Profesor Titular.



How to Cite

fernandez sotolongo jose. Clinical and pathological correlation on dead patients due to pancreas cancer. Arch Hosp Univ "Gen Calixto García” [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(1):78-85. Available from:



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