Homeophatic treatment of traumatic Hemovitreous


  • Sol Ines Parapar Tena Hospital Universitario Calixto Garcia


Homeopathy and traumatic hemovitreous.


Objective. To determine the efficiency of homeopathic therapy in the treatment of traumatic hemovitreous in the ophthalmology departament of ¨ General Calixto Garcia Hospital.
Methodology.  We made an experimental study with homeopathic treatment to all patients with clinical and imaging diagnosis of hemovitreos of traumatic cause who attended the ophthalmology departament of the Calixto García hospital. These patients received a monthly clinical and imaging follow-up for 6 months. For data analysis SPSS version 18 was used.
Results. Were studied 50 patients.The general homeopathic medicine was  Arnica montana  6 ch,  phosphorus 6 ch, brotops lanceolatus 6 ch,  hammamelis 6 ch and constitutional were sulfur Aconitum Napellus and Ledum Palustre(200ch), We obtained  improvement of vitreous hemorrhage and visual acuity in patient after a month of treatment up to 6 months. During the study no complications or side effects of the drug were observed.
Conclusions. Homeopathic treatment is a therapeutic alternative in the treatment of hemovitreous of traumatic etiology.


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Author Biography

Sol Ines Parapar Tena, Hospital Universitario Calixto Garcia

sol Ines . Especialista de Segundo Grado en Oftalmologia, Master en medicina Bioenergetica y naturalista .Profesora Asistente. Departamento de Oftalmologia del Hospital Calixto Garcia.Investigadora agregada.



How to Cite

Parapar Tena SI. Homeophatic treatment of traumatic Hemovitreous. Arch Hosp Univ "Gen Calixto García” [Internet]. 2017 May 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];5(1):36-47. Available from: https://revcalixto.sld.cu/index.php/ahcg/article/view/187



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