Sacrococcygeal chordoma: A medical Case Report
nothocorda, Sacrococcygeal chordomaAbstract
The sacrococcigeal chordoma is a malignant rare tumor of insidious beginning. It is originated from the rests of primitive notochord1. Here it is presented a female patient’s case that is 71 years old, black. She came complaining of an intensive pain of several months’ evolution in right hip’s joint and lumbosacral region. This pain is irradiated to anus region that increases with movement and decubitus supine, it is slightly relieved on decubitus prone.The patient’s condition didn’t get better and it was ordered the tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this test showed a great retro rectal tumor mass with sacrococcigeal and right iliac destruction extensively up to soft parts. The biopsy revealed the diagnosis of sacrococcigeal chordoma.
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