Ultrasound Doppler Duplex Carotid performed on patients with metabolic syndrome


  • israel lincoln benitez hechavarria Hospital universitario Calixto Garcia
  • odalys urquiaga leon hospital calixto garcia


Doppler carotid


Abstract:  The atherosclerotic carotid artery desease is the main indication of the Doppler carotid. Objective: The analysis this grosol intima media of artery wall (GIM) in association between Endocrine-metabolic desease. Method: A descriptive study in 60 adults up to 18 years patient of endocrinology General Calixto García Service during june to december 2015 period between in two comparison group within or not metabolic syndrome. Results: The patients increase percent of abdominal circumference and hip/waist index were found in the grosol intimal media patients group (GIM), smokers increase and metabolic syndrome diagnosis were significant major in this patients. This placa carotid were found majority in smokers patients and blood hypercholesterol. The number major of artery stenosis, carotid plaque, mild echogenity and irregular face plaque with relation metabolic syndrome but were not significantly different. The razon VPS ACI/ACC and diastolic peak velocity were found increase in patients with metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: The high prevalence and severity of metabolic syndrome is relation with atherosclerotic disease.


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Author Biography

israel lincoln benitez hechavarria, Hospital universitario Calixto Garcia

Laboro desde el 2009 en el Dpto. Imagenologia del Hospital Universitario Calixto García, soy especialista 1er. grado en imagenologia ( 2008) y especialista MGI( 1999), docente desde el año 2000 y actualmente tengo la categoria de profesor asistente y estoy en proceso para  promocion a la categoría de auxiliar .



How to Cite

benitez hechavarria israel lincoln, urquiaga leon odalys. Ultrasound Doppler Duplex Carotid performed on patients with metabolic syndrome. Arch Hosp Univ "Gen Calixto García” [Internet]. 2017 May 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(1):57-64. Available from: https://revcalixto.sld.cu/index.php/ahcg/article/view/171



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