Acupunctural surgery analgesia Vs spinal anesthesia in hernias inguinales. Hospital "General Calixto García". 2015.
Analgesia acupuntural, anesthetizes spinal, pain.Abstract
Introduction: was carried out an investigation in the service of ambulatory surgery of the Hospital "General Calixto García" to the patients that were operated of hernia inguinal in elective, ambulatory surgery. Objectives: To demonstrate the effectiveness of the Surgical Analgesia Acupuntural with relationship to the spinal anesthesia, in patient with diagnostic of hernia inguinal that will be intervened surgically, to point out the benefits and the social impact of the technique, to evaluate the advantages that it produces the patient, as well as the security that toasts and to describe the main complications that are presented in each group. Method: Was carried out a descriptive, prospective study, of traverse court, in the University Hospital "General Calixto García" from January to December of 2015. The universe was conformed by 150 patients. The sample was constituted by two groups according to inclusion approaches and exclusion, Group I (I study) 75 patients that were operated with analgesia acupuntural and Group II (control) 75 patients that were operated with spinal anesthesia. Both groups were patient of one and another sex, bigger than 18 years, previous informed consent. Results: The hernias inguinales are more frequent in the masculine sex, the complications in the patients operated with acupuncture are smaller than in those operated with spinal anesthesia. Conclusions: The Analgesia Acupuntural is a sure, innocuous, simple, effective and economic method that presents few colateral effects, it is less painful for the analgesia than it causes during the post-operatory, it allows the mobilization and precocious feeding, and also the patient to remain conscious it is part of the surgical team.
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