Research article
Education and culture in human behavior from the theory of Advanced Education
Educación y cultura en el comportamiento humano desde la teoría de la Educación Avanzada
Lourdes Bárbara Alpizar Caballero1*
Isis Betancourt Torres2
Lidisbet Cardoso Camejo3
1Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana, Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología, Departamento de Docencia e Investigaciones. La Habana, Cuba.
2Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Julio Trigo", Cátedra de Historia, Arte y Medicina. La Habana, Cuba.
Cardoso Camejo, Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Enrique José
Varona", Cátedra de Educación Avanzada. La Habana, Cuba.
*Autor para la correspondencia:
Culture comprises the processes of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development
of human events, which is why it includes the intellectual, economic and social
progress of a country. Education has an essential role in these processes, however,
in the sources consulted on the intellectual production of Advanced Education
published until 2022 in Scielo, Scopus, Redalyc and DOAJ, it has not declared
its relationship to culture with human behavior.
Objective: To base the interrelation between culture, education and human
behavior from the Theory of Advanced Education.
Development: In order to substantiate the relationship under study and
offer the results, a qualitative investigation was carried out in which the
inductive-deductive method, documentary analysis, systematization and triangulation
of the results were applied. It was structured for its better understanding
in three parts: The concept of culture and its interrelation with education,
Education and the theory of Advanced Education, and the Interrelations between
human behavior, culture and Advanced Education.
Conclusions: The interrelation between culture, Education and human behavior
from the Advanced Education Theory is evident in the dimensions declared for
the improvement of human behavior and in the Marti postulates of this theory.
All of them root culture from the concrete social historical context.
Keywords: Culture; advanced education; human behavior.
La cultura comprende los procesos de desarrollo intelectual, espiritual y estéticos
del acontecer humano, por lo que incluye el progreso intelectual, económico
y social de un país. En estos procesos, tiene un papel esencial la educación.
Sin embargo, en las fuentes consultadas referidas a la producción intelectual
de la Educación Avanzada, publicadas hasta el año 2022 en Scielo,
Scopus, Redalyc y en DOAJ, no se ha declarado sus relaciones a la cultura con
el comportamiento humano.
Fundamentar la interrelación entre cultura, educación y el comportamiento
humano desde la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada.
Desarrollo: Para fundamentar la relación objeto de estudio y ofrecer
los resultados, se realizó una investigación cualitativa en la
que se aplicaron el método inductivo deductivo, el análisis documental,
la sistematización y la triangulación de los resultados. Quedó
estructurada para su mejor comprensión en tres partes: el concepto de
cultura y su interrelación con la educación, Educación
y la teoría de la Educación Avanzada, y las interrelaciones entre
comportamiento humano, cultura y Educación Avanzada.
Conclusiones: La interrelación entre cultura, Educación
y el comportamiento humano -desde la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada-
queda evidente en las dimensiones declaradas para el mejoramiento del comportamiento
humano y en los postulados martianos de esta teoría. Todas ellas enraizan
la cultura desde el contexto histórico social concreto.
Palabras clave: Cultura; Educación Avanzada; comportamiento humano.
According to the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of Spanish Language (RAE 2020), the word culture comes from the Latin culture, having several meanings. Among them, those related to "a set of knowledge that allows someone to develop their critical judgment"; "a set of ways of life and customs, knowledge and degree of artistic, scientific, industrial development in a period, social group, etc"; "religious cult".(1)
These different meanings of culture have originated various ways of using its concept from different disciplines. Its complexity encompasses as much as what the man inserted in society does and manifests itself as an unfinished project in the daily life, determining social behavior.
In the case of the health worker, in addition to the integral culture, it develops the culture in health from which the educational processes of prevention and health promotion are developed. It can be asserted that culture and performance of the health professional go hand in hand.
José Martí pointed out: "It is the effect of culture on the human mind to look at the real as a phenomenon, and not as a substance: the real, accident, and effect: and the spirit, of indispensable existence".(2)
In the same way, he asserted that an essential education in values can be proposed only on the basis of culture because it is precisely culture the one that contains educational potential.(2)
Education has the essential function of developing and consolidating the personality of human beings, preparing them in a continuous process to be useful in life, guaranteeing the maintenance and development of their culture, in its broadest conception.(3)
That is why Advanced Education -which is profoundly based on Marti's and Fidel´s ideas-, cries out for the conjunction between culture and life, art and history, and creation and action for a better world. It recognizes the knowledge that emerges from culture not as an abstraction, but as complex transforming interdisciplinary networks.(4) However, the relationships with human behavior as an object of study of Advanced Education have not been declared.
To demonstrate this relationship, a qualitative and educational research was carried out where the inductive-deductive method, documentary analysis, systematization, and triangulation of results were applied to support the relationship under study, offering the results. The main theoretical references were available on the intellectual production of Añorga Morales J, creator of the Cuban theory of Advanced Education; Marti's thought; doctoral theses on Advanced Education; periodical publications indexed in Scielo, Redalyc, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) databases, published by members of this scientific community of Advanced Education; and also on reports from world education and culture organizations, without considering the exact period as there are few references that address the topic.
The work was structured in three aspects:
This is a time of great challenges, of lights and shadows, in which Cuban education -particularly Advanced Education- commits itself from Marti's thought to the behavioral improvement and the usefulness of the virtue of all human beings.
Motivated by these reflections, the researchers propose to underpin the close relationship between education and culture in human behavior from the theory of Advanced Education.
The concept of culture and its interrelationship with education
Culture has been conceptualized from different disciplines. Manilowsky, one of the classic scholars on the subject, offers a concept with a sociological approach, which is closely related to that offered by the RAE. It starts from considering culture as an integral set made up of utensils and consumer goods, by the body of rules that governs the various social groups, by the ideas and crafts, beliefs and customs of the culture. The man and his changing environment along with the emergence of new needs are, in turn, creating a cultural tradition that needs to be transmitted to each subsequent generation.(5) Therefore, he affirms that the theory of culture must be based on biological facts, although in a certain way he recognizes its social and anthropological character.
It includes "the abstract concept that describes processes of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development" of human events, including science and technology, as when referring to the cultural development of a people or country. Therefore, it includes the intellectual and social progress of humanity.(5)
This was expressed by José Martí, when he affirmed: "The man is exogenous and endogenous",(6) as well as when he stated: "The traces of the character of his parents remain in the spirit of man; but, do they remain because he brings them from the paternal germ or maternal entrails, from before going out into life, or because he acquires them in the intimate contact with his parents after being born?... The qualities of the parents remain in the spirit of the children, as the fingers of the child remain on the wings of the fugitive butterfly".(6) Thus, he recognizes the importance of genetics without ignoring the acquired and social nature of the human being.
Tylor EB, who is recognized as the "father" of cultural anthropology, offers the relationship between "primitive" and "civilized" societies, a key theme in the nineteenth-century anthropological literature. He affirms that: "Culture or civilization, in a broad ethnographic sense, is that complex whole that includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morality, law, customs, and any other habits or capacities acquired by man as a member of society".(7) It therefore includes not only the different layers in which its different components can be placed (the subjectual or intrasomatic, the social or intersomatic, and the material or extrasomatic), but also the different spheres or circles of culture in the ethnographic sense.
It thus refers to a particular way of life, people, period, or human group and includes values, customs, norms, lifestyles, forms or material implements, social organization, etc., with a constant retrospective nature.
Of culture, there is the aesthetic or humanist conception, which is a more synthetic form and a reflection of reality that is expressed through images; it is a conjunction of experience, imagination, vision, and ability in which works and practice of intellectual and specifically artistic activities such as musical culture, literature, painting, sculpture, theater and cinema are described; that is, "the fine arts".(8,9)
According to Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, by reason of an imperious need of the spirit, it is not possible to live without access to the arts since it includes the full feeling, that of happiness for a determined aesthetic enjoyment.(10)
This supports the fact that the concept of culture cannot be ignored from the psychological approach of personality because spirituality and happiness by aesthetic enjoyment are closely related to the personality of man as an individual and, at the same time, as a social entity.
The man expresses himself through culture, becomes aware of himself, questions his achievements, seeks new meanings, creates works that transcend him, creates his own daily work, and identifies with everything around him. Culture is a socially acquired, shared and transmitted knowledge that is always related to the man and his activity from the individual and social component, and a way of expressing the degree of development reached by society.
That is why the formation of a consensus regarding the concept of culture is a difficult matter. The authors assume that concept proposed by UNESCO in 1982 when it was defined as: "... the set of distinctive, spiritual and material, intellectual and affective traits that characterize a society or a social group."(11)
the authors' view, it includes the arts and letters, ways of life, the fundamental
rights of human beings, value systems, traditions and beliefs, and the ability
to reflect on oneself.
From culture, the man recognizes himself as an unfinished project, questions
his own achievements, seeks untiringly for new meanings, and creates works that
transcend him, establishing him as a human being that is rational, critical,
ethically committed, being able to discern values and make choices.
In the UNESCO report, seven dimensions of culture are determined, among which education is included.(12)
Consequently, culture summarizes the work of the human being as well as his behavior and meaning at different times of social development. There, the interrelationship between culture and human behavior, which is the object of study of Advanced Education, is established.
and Theory of Advanced Education
Education has the essential function of preparing man for life in a continuous process. It must guarantee the maintenance and development of his culture in its broadest conception, which includes traditions, customs, beliefs, profession, artistic creation and knowledge in such a way that their permanent appropriation becomes a nourishing source of personal fulfillment of ethical and aesthetic values that make his intellectual and domestic work or any kind of activities an act of creation, cooperation, reaffirmation of human values, and recognition by an environment, which among other biopsychosocial factors, contributes to the development and professional and human improvement, and consequently, to the improvement of his quality of life.(4)
The object of study of Educational Sciences involves the sum of influences that are exerted on individuals and their social behavior aimed at training and developing thought and feelings for the spiritual development of man along with his training for life and work in society and in his culture.(4)
Therefore, education contributes, maintains and develops culture, being "... a set of distinctive, spiritual and material, intellectual and affective traits that characterize a society or a social group".(11)
For its part, the object of study of Advanced Education -branch of Education- encompasses human behavior aimed at training and developing the human capital of society and improving the quality of life.(5,13)
It has its roots in the pedagogical thought of eminent Cuban thinkers such as Father Félix Varela, José de la Luz y Caballero, José Antonio Saco, and José Martí, and within the Latin American scope of Simón Bolívar, Simón Rodríguez, and Franz Tamayo, among others.(14)
More contemporary ones nurtured their roots in the thought and action of Enrique José Varona, Julio Antonio Mella, Rubén Martínez Villena, Juan Marinello, Raúl Roa, Carlos Rafael Rodríguez, Ernesto Ché Guevara, and Fidel Castro Ruz.(14)
Advanced Education is closely linked to the acquisition and consolidation of ethical values related to work and life. It consists on an advanced educational model that defends an education for all, based on " thought instruction" and "direction of feelings".
According to Gray X, all education promotes the improvement of man; it is advanced since it improves and enriches his intellectual development and behavior as a human being. It also develops knowledge, motivation skills, and values that bring about a better human behavior, more responsibility and commitment to society where affective, cognitive and behavioral aspects are combined.(15)
Advanced Education, which is deeply based on Marti's and Fidel´s thoughts, emerges as a necessity, a pedagogical alternative within the framework of education that has gone through different moments of development in its historical evolution, moving its object of study according to the particular historical conditions of the Cuban reality and the development of the theory itself as well as that of the scholars affiliated to it.
To reach this moment in its historical-logical evolution, the object of study of this theory went through the scientific research of various authors to initially identify the competencies and performance improvement,(17,18,19,20,21) as a starting point for the process of improving peoples. Then it was related to the contributions of the professionalization process as a continuous fundamental pedagogical process that focuses on the integrity of the subjects and tends to develop and consolidate competencies through successive approximations, establishing different levels of professionalism for social and professional life.(16,22)
Subsequently, the need arose between sustainable development and the improvement of human resources with a humanistic approach to the study of professional and human behavior, quality of life, and the fact of being good people.(14,23)
In the field of Education, it is currently recognized as an educational and scientific theory that includes the pedagogical nature of the process of improvement and training of human capital with laws, principles, regularities, dimensions, figures and managers, which allows to achieve development and training and transformations in human beings, which are linked together through scientifically structured pedagogical processes; it also provides theoretical and practical solutions to the production of material and spiritual goods for society as well as educational needs, which should be inclusive for all its members.(24)
It is inclusive because it goes further since it allows organizing, executing and evaluating the professional improvement of human resources that are not subject to a schooled educational process that offers a terminal level, affecting the quality of life and the conformation of the human capital of society.(25)
Its structuring principle is the link between theory and practice. It results in an educational theory which starts from solving the problems, insufficiencies and conflicts presented by men with the intention to be more capable and fully enjoy their environment for having reached a satisfactory level of personal and cultural enrichment, dignity, solidarity, honesty, interpersonal relationships, cooperation with others, the radicalization of their identity and the recognition of their usefulness.(15)
According to its creator, Dr. Cs. Añorga Morales, it is introduced into productive and social practice, causing a qualitative leap in the man and his behavior as well as his performance and demonstration of skills, thus having an impact on the quality and result of work, achieving a performance that is closer to the desired one, thus leading to a citizen behavior that outlines the desired model.(26)
It has the specificity of studying intellectual production and its revelation in human behavior, which is directed in three dimensions: scientific production, technical production, and humanistic production. The latter includes philosophy, literature, plastic arts, music, culture, education, sports, criticism, comments, etc.(26)
It also contains a categorical system that allows the transformation of practice and the development of skills, habits, operations, actions, logical thinking procedures, and especially, human behaviors.(11)
between human behavior, culture and Advanced Education
Human behaviors have been analyzed in previous studies on animal behavior, from a biologist approach.
According to Carrazana Almanza and others, behavior is the way in which an animal dynamically mediates with both animate and inanimate environment as well as the way it can affect it, since animal behavior changes as its environment changes. Behavior is, therefore, the expression of the changes that occur both within and around the animal in response to external and internal environments, events, or processes conforming itself as a mixture of innate or inherited and acquired components.(27) This way, it refers to "reactions".
According to Díaz Guerrero, animals show basic and singular repertoires of forms of behavior (learned or not), which are known as patterns of behavior.(28)
According to several authors, human behavior is the set of behaviors (actions) through which the human being expresses or manifests his way of being in the different activities he performs. It develops on the basis of a biological structure, a psychological structure and a social structure where the personality is formed in constant connection between each of these structures and the physical, social and cultural environment.(29,30)
In summary, the factors that determine human behavior are: biological or internal factors (those determined by the functions of the Central Nervous System and the endocrine system), and environmental factors.
The first postulate related to human behavior, culture and education says: " Culture is the framework and fundamental engine of human behavior"; "The most consistent type of behavior, the one that occurs most frequently throughout different situations, will be the one 'programmed' by the historical-socio-cultural premises."(15,24,25)
At this point, it can be affirmed that all behaviors are determined by culture and that it is culture the one that specifies the tasks and attitude to assume in each case, regardless of the role that is assumed because the expectations in relation to each of the roles that are adopted are also determined by that culture.(31)
The interrelation between culture, Education and Advanced Education is evident in the dimensions declared for the improvement of human behavior:
I. Pedagogical Humanist-Marxist-Leninist, axiological and focused on Fidel's ideas, of national identity and patriotic values, (broken down into 38 indicators).
II. Intellectual Systemic, interdisciplinary, of STS, basic and specialized training. (broken down into 19 indicators).
III. Physical-psychic, satisfaction, motivations, individual and social ambitions. (broken down into 27 indicators).(25)
Within the framework of Advanced Education, the improvement of human behavior is expressed as the aspiration in which the man should acquire the contents for his improvement, evidencing solidarity, humanism, respect, commitment to society, responsibility, defense of his criteria, integration and devotion to the solutions to working and living problems. In this sense, it covers his involvement in the social environment where the life, human, and ethical senses, as well as the improvement of the quality of life stands out.(32)
This improvement in the quality of life becomes a higher level on the scale of human improvement when referring to the physical, mental and social well-being of the individual rooted in his culture and identity in a determined context where personal objectives, expectations, interests and aspirations are manifested; it is, in short, the combination of living conditions and personal satisfaction.(33)
Quality of life is still a higher categorical leap forward and an essential core for the emergence, development and consolidation of a good person.(14) The researchers dare to assert that living with a good quality of life, as well as being good people, brings the man closer to the state of full happiness, to feel free.
This would remain pending for discussion in the scientific community of Advanced Education in the immediate future, but it would be good to start from Marti's thought:
"Being good is the only way to be happy. Being educated is the only way to be free."(34)
Highly humanistic, this concept also goes to the rescue of the cognitive and affective, to the essence of man and his social activity from the personal, as a result of the sum of influences of education as a transforming process of his personality, his culture and his identity.
The close relationship between education, culture, and particularly Advanced Education, is evident from the apostle's thought when he stated: "...virtue is not necessarily lost with culture, but is enhanced with it".(35)
The interrelationship between culture, education and human behavior from the Advanced Education Theory is evidenced in the dimensions declared for the improvement of human behavior by this theory from Marti's pedagogical, humanist and axiological thought based on Cuban social ideas of national order, identity and patriotic values; for the systemic intellectual character and for attending to motivations, as well as individual and social aspirations. All of them root culture from the specific social historical context. All of them root culture from the specific social historical context.
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Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest to declare.
Neither the authors nor the institution received third-party rewards.
Authors' contributions
Bárbara Alpizar Caballero: Conceptualization, investigation, methodology,
project management, supervision, validation, visualization, writing - original
draft, writing - review and editing.
Isis Betancourt Torres: Formal analysis, validation, visualization, investigation,
Lidisbet Cardoso Camejo: Methodology and supervision.
Approved: 19/06/2023.